
319 Spen Lane, Leeds LS16 5BD


+44 (0) 7795 560167

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Edukatus is led by Danlu Liu who has 20 years of industry experience. Using our strong links with schools, education organisations, and government departments in target countries, we recruit outstanding students for British boarding schools.

Our students are from elite social backgrounds and academically strong, often specialising in sport, the arts, and drama. Edukatus also offers schools the opportunity to increase their market profile through its popular and bespoke British boarding school immersion programme and summer schools. Edukatus is not a mere agency. What makes Edukatus different is the scope and depth of its services. We enable schools to create impact and a sustainable presence in markets like Singapore, Cambodia, and China because of our specialist local knowledge and in-country resources. Our service, flexibility, and attention to detail is what our success is built upon. We want to make your school part of that success, and to open doors to possibilities exciting and new.