Date: April 23 2021, 11:30 – 13:30
Venue: Online via Zoom
Cost: BAISIS Member £80/ BSA Member £100 / each additional participant £25
Non-member £200
Audience: All teaching staff
Different Models of Assessment in Online Learning
The webinar explores ways of assessing pupils’ progress while purely face-to-face teaching models are disrupted. It will focus on different aspects of
assessment and discuss how colleagues can develop their assessment strategies going forward.
Speaker: George Seller, Digital Learning Lead, Mill Hill School
Having qualified as a teacher in 2014, George has spent his career to date teaching Business and Economics within independent schools in North London. Throughout this time he has been involved with helping schools implement technology to support teaching and learning. In his current position within the Mill Hill School, he is responsible for leading on the Digital Strategy, as the school is rapidly modernising teaching and learning to help navigate these challenging times.
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