- Date: March 21, 2024
- Time: 15:00 – 16:00
- Cost: BAISIS member – FOC
- Audience: BAISIS member
- Platform: Zoom (online)
Based on member feedback and interest, BAISIS is launching a dedicated member forum for staff supporting international students who may present with EAL needs and SEND. Navigating cultural differences in approach to academic, social, emotional and physical needs and language barriers in assessments can make identifying and delivering the right support for each child difficult.
This informal meeting for BAISIS members aims to provide a safe space for colleagues to share experiences, and advice, ask questions and consider best practice approaches to delivering the best care and provision in this area for international students. This meeting is open to all BAISIS members and will address academic and pastoral themes as raised by members.
This forum will run termly.
To book your free place, please click here.
- Welcome and introductions
- Member updates and questions
- AOB.