Date: January 26 2021 12.00 – 13.00
Venue: Online via Zoom
Cost: BAISIS members free / BSA members £60 for first participant plus £15 for each additional participant / Non-member £100
Audience: All teaching staff
Assessment in the Context of Blended Learning
The webinar explores ways of assessing pupils’ progress while purely face-to-face teaching models are disrupted. Speakers will focus on different aspects of
assessment and discuss how colleagues can develop their assessment strategies going forward.
Sarah Bellotti, Head, The Mount, Mill Hill International
Mr Ilia Kurgansky, Director of EdTech Rugby School: How to Evaluate Student Progress in Blended Learning
Dr Nathan Mahlmeister, Head of Science The Mount, Mill Hill International:
formative and summative assessment in blended learning
Mr Al Summers: Vice Principal Academic, St Clare’s Oxford: marking and
assessment, and different types of feedback
For further information contact