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Assessment strategies for EAL students

Date: October 06 2020, 12.00 to 13.00

Venue: Online via Zoom  

Cost: BAISIS Member free / BSA Member £50 for one place plus £10 for each additional attendee / Non-member £100

Audience: All teaching staff

Assessment strategies for EAL students



The webinar will cover formative and summative assessment, including how supporting EAL pupil language development and tracking their progress can be done utilising a variety of online tools while purely face-to-face teaching models are disrupted.   It will also consider how schools can incorporate generic EAL teaching skills into lessons which would allow for a wider range of exams to be taken for university entrance in addition to IELTS.

Speaker: Dr Helen Wood


 Helen is Head of School Partnerships at Password, an online testing company specialising in assessment for EAL learners, where she supports schools in utilising Password’s test platform gathering feedback from them for future product development. Prior to that she was Head of EAL at d’Overbroeck’s in Oxford for nearly 18 years.

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