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Congratulations to DLD College London on being the first to achieve the BAISIS International Student Care Standard (BAISIS ISCS).

BAISIS, the British Association of Independent Schools with International Students, defines and shares best practice in academic and pastoral provision for international students in British independent schools and English medium schools globally.

The BAISIS ISCS is awarded to schools that:

  1. Provide a safe environment for international students
  2. Ensure everyone is treated with kindness and respect
  3. Cater to a global community
  4. Understand and meet the academic needs of international students
  5. Understand and meet the pastoral needs of international students.

Schools must demonstrate international student care is meaningfully embedded and delivered across the whole setting. Assessment typically includes submission of documentation, lesson observations, a tour, and qualitative interviews.

At DLD College London, where roughly 70% of students are international and represent around 75 nationalities, the quality of the provision was vouched for by 17 students and 20 staff, ranging from the principal to the catering lead.

The setting was commended for its TRACK (tolerance, respect, academic curiosity, community and kindness) values system, which encourages pupils from culturally diverse backgrounds to support each other. The success of this was evident in the fact 97% of pupils said they felt the school was a safe place to be in the latest student voice survey.

The college was also commended for leveraging its location opposite the Houses of Parliament with a “London is your Classroom” mindset, an example of which was taking all students to the Remembrance Day event in central London on November 11.

Assessor Mario Di Clemente said, “The college is rightly proud of its large global community, and no matter their nationality or background, students feel valued, represented and respected. It is clear college leaders have nurtured a whole-school ethos of respect and inter-cultural appreciation. Students have an opportunity to learn not only from their studies but also about themselves, each other and the wider world.”

Gareth Evans, Vice Principal (Pastoral) and DSL, DLD College London, said, “It is a huge honour to have been awarded the ISCS and to have the work that goes into supporting our international students validated. I found it a great way to audit our practices to both take a step back and celebrate what we do but also to have the opportunity to consider what can be developed.”

The BAISIS ISCS is available to any BAISIS member school, day or boarding. Schools that meet the Standard are entitled to use the BAISIS ISCS logo and receive a certificate of accreditation. To find out more visit